Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Lie Told Everyday

As I have gone through this primary cycle and watched all news channels daily, I have come to the conclusion that most reporters and pundents are scared to tell the truth. They live in a fantasy world with their ideas and conclusions. They also believe everything that is told to them and hardly ever reach out to find out the real truth. The media is heavily biased and it is very hard to find anyone willing to sit down and really listen or review what "is" is and what "was" was.
As I go through real speeches and real transcripts of each and every one I can, and then I listen to the news report information about something, I find that there is never genuine reporting in any instance. Everything that is reported on is only for ratings and with the horrible representation of the advisors that are interviewed, a story can be explained in multiple ways. Pat Robertson is a great example. Sean Hannity is another good example. Bill O'Reilly is another example. Now Chris Matthews is approaching the realm. Wolf Blitzer is becoming an idiot and his cohorts on CNN are about to go off the edge with their reporting. If I hear one more story about Preacher Wright, I am going to puke. They never have played his full speech and never related to the past individuals that said the same thing........RATINGS.....We have over 4000 soldiers killed in an Arab state, food prices going through the roof, affordability to travel is nil, electric bills going through the roof, water bills doubling, corporate America stealing every penny from us, homes being repossessed, lenders going under, and we are believing these idiots? We have the BUSH government bailing out the stock market with billions, the lenders being catered to and still people are losing their homes left and right, while the CEO'S of all these corporate institutions escape in their 400,000 yachts. You people that are on your knees kissing the hand of our current President are idiots too. This man has lied, with his cohorts, and put us in this situation. How can you kiss the hand that has taken away your food and your life? Dick Cheney saying "so?" to the statement given to him about 65% of the people say the war was wrong. How can you stand up and chear this thief and believe anything he says? Name me one thing that he has done for you and your family. ONE! It is sickening to listen to this team and when they are gone I will applaud loudly. How can the news even bring their faces to the screen? How and why does the news neglect to approach them on their idiocy? Because they are afraid to. It is hard to call the kettle black, isn't it...CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX............What a bunch of pussies.
The news will never show the other 1000 preachers that spew hate in their churches.....And, it is because they are on the other side. What is going on with our nation? I see voters, that are for a certain candidate, that must have 20 lbs of wax in their ears and if asked, couldn't even explain what their candidate is really all about. Hillary dodged bullets in Bosnia. Then she cured Ireland of all their troubles. Then, her health plan is perfect.....NOT! Why don't these voters really listen and check into their candidates? John McCain may be a war hero, but can you name the thousands of other ones that are heroes too? How about our heroes from this ridiculous war that are without jobs and help from this GOD LOVING idiot that we have running our country?John McCain is having a problem even reading, much less starting to tell lies about this and that. If we need to get into the facts, I will gladly present them. Why has our nation turned into a falsehood? Where is the woman that he supposedly had an affair with? Was she whisked off to an island to avoid being confronted? Of course they didn't have to do that, because the news wouldn't have the balls to do it.
Our economy is in the pits. Oil companies are gathering more profits than anytime in their history. A loaf of bread is so thin one cannot spread mayo on it without it falling through. A bag of chips is 3/4 air and less chips than a year ago. A bucket of barbeque is half full/empty. Insurance rates are killing us and our medical bills .....Oh well, forget about them...Can't pay them anyway. Don't we, as Americans see this? Don't we have any gonads to express ourselves? We are listening to mainly idiots when we are going through very hard times. It is time to stand up and make a change in our country. Let's tell people that they are lying.....Tell your newscasters that they have no idea what they are saying. It is mostly heresay. GROW UP AMERICA. We are living on lies everyday. STAND UP AND FIGHT!
Now we have a black man running for president that has great ideas and great people around him. We know that we will have to have a good Congress to institute these ideas, but WE NEED A CHANGE. We all need to sit down and think about who is the best to start this change. We need new ideas and new people in Washington to start a flow the other way instead of the same way. There is only one person that has been consistent in their ideas and ideals. Instead of having another four years of George Bush through John McCain, and a power hungry Hillary Clinton, who will create the same division that we have today, we have a person that possibly will work with all representatives to try to solve our nation's woes. Damn people! Give this person a chance. Barack Obama is our chance. You people with RACIST attitudes need to get back into your hole and just stay there. Racism needs to be denied and we need this man in Washington, if not to just try to change politics. You women voting just for Hillary because she is a woman, please look back at her history and see if she really cared about all the people she shook hands with. Look what she and Bill just did to Vermont. Look at the deceit and lies she has told in the last year. Do you REALLY think she will ever call you or see you again? If you have a couple million dollars she will sure promise you a lot. Look at their history....They are power hungry but have a history of a high amount of distortions and lies. Read about it...I'm not going to tell you. You need the education, I don't. Barack Obama is the only candidate that has been totally consistent and is the only one deserving the White House. Give this man a chance, I will.